The primary section of Champs Academy Global follows the CBSE style of learning and to do so effectively, we have adopted the XSEED Education(Foundation for life) which is a proven and research based academic program for schools. Our main aim is to build thinking skills & problem solving confidence in children. At Champs, children ask more questions, can write in their own words, read the instructions and question papers independently, like doing word problems in mathematics, can complete their homework on their own and are not afraid to speak-up in English. Each concept goes through a cycle of 5 A’s - Aim, Action, Analysis, Application and Assessment. The students enjoy learning as every learning takes place as a hands-on experience. The concepts are remembered for life and are easily applied to new situations, to reinforce learning and make it holistic. Answers to questions are never the same. There are no ready made answers. Each child writes as they understand it. Everyone’s view is respected and accepted.
Age group
6 to 10 years